Meet the Team
The UWIDEC Team is responsible for administrative, technical, pedagogical and coordinating functions supporting the academic course, and comprises:
Programme Coordinator |
![Dr. Justin Robinson - Programme Coordinator]()
Dr. Justin Robinson
The Programme Coordinator has overall responsibility for this
programme, including its strategic, academic, finance, human resource, administrative, quality and logistic components.
Director UWIDEC |

Professor Stewart Marshall
The Director UWIDEC has overall responsibility for
all programmes found in UWIDEC, including its strategic, academic, finance, human resource, administrative, quality and logistic components.
Email: smarshall@uwichill.edu.bb
Web: http://www.dec.uwi.edu/smarshall/index.html
Deputy Programme Coordinator (Eastern Caribbean) |

Dr Olabisi Kuboni
The Deputy Programme Coordinator (Eastern Caribbean) is responsible for the planning and implementation of the course in the Eastern Caribbean and in particular oversees curriculum issues.
Email: okuboni@dec.uwi.tt
Deputy Programme Coordinator (Northern Caribbean) |

Derrick Thompson
The Deputy Programme Coordinator (Northern Caribbean) is responsible for the planning and implementation of the course in the Northern Caribbean and in particular oversees technical issues.
Email: derrick.thompson@uwimona.edu.jm
Finance Officer |
Anil Chatergoon
The Finance Officer has responsibility for the collection of fees, the administration of scholarships, and other financial matters.
Email: achatergoon@uwichill.edu.bb
Assistant Registrar |
Gillian Beckles
The Assistant Registrar has responsibility for all registration and examination matters.
Email: gbeckles@uwichill.edu.bb
Editor |
![Stephanie Hunte - Editor]() |
Stephanie Hunte
The Editor is mainly responsible for course
design (development of study materials) and
production and distribution of the material.
Web Administrator |
Louis Boxill
The Web Administrator is mainly responsible for
the day to day running of the online
Other key members of the team include:
Course Coordinator
The Course Coordinator prepares the course content, is responsible for course assessment, and provides the breadth and depth of knowledge and experience required for an interdisciplinary course of this nature.
Assistant Programme Coordinator (Student Issues)
The Assistant Programme Coordinator (Student Issues) is the contact person for students and staff regarding student issues. She continually monitors student performance and provides support as appropriate. She keeps in regular contact with students to apprise them of course information and provides academic and personal counselling. She carries key responsibilities with regard to the course's quality control.
e-Tutors give regular in-course support, online, to a group of students for the duration of a course. They review and give comprehensive individual feedback to students on their assignments during the semester. e-Tutors also actively participate in the online discussions and may facilitate Chat Room sessions.
Course Editors
The Course Editors are responsible for editorial support to all aspects of the course and for copyright issues. The Course Editors also ensure that the course website is ready for course delivery and work with the Systems Administrator and other support staff to ensure timely posting of high quality course material throughout the duration of the course.
Systems Administrator
The Systems Administrator is responsible for the development and maintenance of all Web-based utilities including the application and registration utilities; the student database and the course website.
Administrative Assistant
The Administrative Assistant is responsible for day to day course financial matters and for the administrative processes relating to human resource management, registry functions, application and registration processing and other relevant UWI processes.